Warmer weather is just around the corner, and our little bug and mosquito friends are coming out to play! We always look forward to camping, hiking, and being outdoors which often means our skin is more exposed to those little guys biting us.
But what I don't look forward to is using bug spray! Normally bug repellents smell awful (nose burning chemical smell) and end up being a sticky mess on your body. No thanks.
The last thing I want to wear is bug spray especially when I'm wearing something nice particularly in the evenings.

Instead we have the most amazing product to use to repel mosquitos - Aromaflage!
The best part however is that Aromaflage is a fine fragrance and smells like perfume (that also just happens to repel insects). This is perfect for weddings, cocktail parties, boating, back yard events, exotic travel, gardening, and enjoying time outdoors! Yes you can finally smell amazing and stay bug free.

I also love the fact this fragrance is free of Deet, parabens, toxins and other harsh chemicals. The fragrance is inspired by the age-old tradition of using botanical extracts to repel insects, a practice first documented by ancient Roman, Greek, and Indian scholars and is still common throughout tropical regions worldwide.
We have two scents available in either an atomizer spray or roller ball (for on the go and great for travel).

The Original fragrance combines notes of citrus fruit, warm cedar wood, silken vanilla. (mmmmm)

The Wild fragrance has notes of spicy cardamom, warm cedarwood, & snappy spruce - a spa like scent!
This line is so special and we are thrilled to carry it! Finally a chic and luxury alternative to generic bug spray!
Be prepared for spring and summer with Aromaflage. Come by the shops to give it a smell or explore online here.