Hostess Gift and Party Gift Ideas

Fool Proof Hostess Gifts

Can you believe November is here! As we enter the holiday season that always calls for more wine, food and soiree's! AKA It's party season friends!

Don't attend your get-together's empty handed -- Here are some fool-proof hostess gifts:

Candles: We have become somewhat of a candle emporium here at K&M. The warm glow adds the most homey feel to any home.

Vancouver Candle Co. ($38-42) / Hollow Tree ($42) / P.F. Candle Co. ($15-25)

Vancouver Candle Co. DiffusersNew to hit the floor is the new line from Vancouver Candle Co. - The Great White North Collection, including five beautiful room diffusers inspired by Canadian landscapes. ($46)


Anto Yukon SoapsThese natural soaps (handcrafted in the Yukon) are the most beautifully made and wrapped - a sure hit! Aren't they pretty!? ($10)

Gypsetter Market TotesIf you still want to go with the go-to gift of wine, add a sophisticated twist and present a bottle in a chic provencal-style straw tote. ($59-69)


 Happy festivities and party on friends!



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